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Bench vice operating instruction  



        台虎钳是用来加持工件的通用夹具。装置在工作台上,用以夹稳加工工件,为钳工车间必备工具。转盘式的钳体可旋转,使工件旋转到合适的工作位置。钳工的大部分工作都是      在台钳上完成的,比如锯,锉,錾,以及零件的装配和拆卸。   台虎钳的规格以钳口的宽度表示,本次提供台虎钳规格为200mm。  

           Bench vice is used to clamp workpieces. It is installed on  the work stations to clamp the workpieces. It is an necessary tool in the schlosserei. Rotating disc type clamp body can revolve so that make the workpiece rotate to the suitable place. Most work of fitter are finished on the bench vice. For example the saw, the file, the chisel and components installing and dismantling.  The specification of bench vice is expressed by the width of jaw. The bench vice we supplied is 200mm. 

           2、使用方法operating instruction 

           台虎钳在钳台上安装时,必须使固定钳身的工作面处于钳台 边缘      台虎钳  以外,以保证夹持长条形工件时,工件的下端不受钳台边缘的阻碍。   

        When the bench vice is installed on the vice stand, you need make the working face on the vice stand outside edge. So that when the bench vice clamps the long workpiece, it will be not hampered by vice stand. 


         The height of operator working will be suitable because the bench vice is installed on the work bench. Usually the jaw height is flushed with elbow just right. This is ok. Put the elbow on the bench vice peak and half clenched fists that the fist just support the mandible. Length and width of work bench will be decided by the work. 

         3、注意事项cautions  (1) 



         Appropriate degree of tightness when clamp the workpiece. Just tight the hand shank by the hand only. Do not add strength with the help of other tools.  


        When work strongly, you need try your best to make strength facing to clamp body.  

       (3) 不许在活动钳身和光滑平面上敲击作业。       

         Do not knocking on the clamp body and smooth surface.  

       (4) 对丝杠、螺母等活动表面应经常清洗、润滑,以防生锈。        

         Clean and lubricate the surface of lead screw and nut. So that it will not rust. 

        联系方式:0523-86131966   0523-86137409

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